Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Pokey the Bear

He is so cute.  The Nasturtium is going to overpower him.


  1. He's cute but not as cute as David Bowie down below!!! LOL

  2. I'm assuming this is in your yard? But I dunno why you had to mock me like this. Sheesh! Of course, even tho I'm pokey, I'm cute!

  3. This is coming to you very S L O W L Y...

    Your weather sounds very nice. I like it. We are in the low 90s now most days. It's been raining a lot. The nights cool down to the low 70s, though, and that's much better than south Florida where it hardly cools down at all!

    May all your mornings be bright and shiny!

  4. I have neer seen such aggressive nasturtiums. :)
